Primary Classroom News

Foundation A

During Week 10 the children in Foundation A were exploring the world of statistics and probability. In foundation this unit requires children to sort data according to features. In class the children sorted plastic animals according to features including size, colour or type of animal. It was interesting to find that the same group of animals could be sorted in different ways. The then organised the animals into lines or columns so that they could compare which group had the most or least animals.

The children also practised asking one another yes or no questions and then recorded the answers. This is something you could do with your child at home. Create a list of simple questions, for example:

Do you like broccoli?
Do you like going to the library?
Do you know how to ride a bike?

Encourage your child to ask their questions to different people in the family and record their answers.

During the school holidays make sure that you make time to visit your local library and borrow some books. Reading regularly is the activity that will have the biggest impact on your child’s learning. Many libraries also have books on CD that can be listened to while your child follows the text in the book. Also make some time for your child to use Reading Eggs and Mathletics at home.

Have a wonderful break from school and I will look forward to seeing all the children back ready to learn in Term Three.

Ms Temple